Wednesday, October 1, 2008



I like the river.  I like Kate.  I love the bay.  But Jennifer?  No. No. No. 

Now, I don't hate a lot of people.  And I don't hate anyone I have never met.  Except Jennifer overrated Hudson. 

First, I would like to give props where props are due.  Girl can sing.  Girl can whaaaale.  Love listening to girl in the car.  

Now.  On to the hate. 

Long ago I created a mental "hate barrel".  Whenever somebody was mean to me on the playground, or spread an untrue rumor about me, or sexiled me from my OWN ROOM, I would simply close my eyes, calm my mind, and imagine a giant claw (reminiscent of one of those claws at the arcade that gets the stuffed-animals) reaching into space and grabbing the perpetrator (about the size of a coke can) by the head, only to drop them (pleading for mercy) into a large wooden barrel (labeled H.B.) where they would remain until I felt vindicated.  

Today--for the FIFTH time (no one has ever been in the barrel that much)--Jennifer Hudson was clawed and dropped. 

I just watched Dreamgirls again.  I couldn't turn it off because I STILL can't understand why JH was nominated and AWARDED and oscar.  

Watch the movie and judge for yourself.  But before you do, you might as well know the girl can't act.  As I have outlined above, girl can sing.  What can girl not do?  ACT.  Have you seen the Sex and the City movie?  Need I say more?  If you honestly think JH displayed even mediocre acting ability in that film, don't tell me.  I don't want to have to place my nearest and dearest in the Hate Barrel (don't worry there's only like three people in there right now). 

Now, to really make you cringe:

1) Jennifer Hudson beat out 782 hopefuls for her role in Dreamgirls.  A role originated on Broadway by Jennifer Holiday. 
2) Worked at Burger King (I know, low blow, but just go with it)
3) Admitted when asked to play Louise in the Sex in the City movie, she had never seen a single episode of the TV show.
4) A quote--"I don't do clubs. I don't drink. I don't smoke." She a LIAR. 
5) Jennifer apparently has a five octave range.  Too bad Mariah and I have eight. 

                                       6) "I really love purses!  I'm a purse girl". 

Do you see a SINGLE purse in these photos?  LIAR.

7) The mayor of Chicago gave Jennifer Hudson a DAY.  March 6th.  Jennifer Hudson Day.  

I am too upset to type anymore today.  Please tell me that you agree.  For the sake of our relationship. 

Peace, Yeldah

1 comment:

A said...

some observations on yeldah:

girl can tell it like it is
girl can make a girl laugh
girl best never put me in her weird-ass hate barrel
(have I told you about my mom's proverbial (catch that, katie?) "black-book"? Ain't no good to be in there.)

in sum, well-played, girl. (my fave post yet!!!!)