Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Penny For Your Thoughts

Given the current economic crisis and the resultant stress of my patients, I have received an influx of questions, both medical and completely unrelated (but nevertheless important). I have posted them below in hopes that their answers may help you too.

Q: What do you do when the Internet tells you that you've watched too many episodes of Gossip Girl?

A: You wait 120 minutes, and then continue watching.

Q: What do you do when Ellen asks for your medical opinion but you're too scared to tell her because you think she has a case of the Lezzies?

A: You post it on a blog.

Q: What the do you do when you find out that Mommom is preparing for the next Great Depression by withdrawing all her money from the bank and stashing it under the mattress?

A: Well, what you do is - you forget that you invested in a mutual fund that it is now worth exactly half of what it did when you bought it; you don't worry about a case of the Lezzies because you can't afford to have a romantic interest anyway; and you continue watching TV online because you can't afford DVDs or cable either.

The truth is, people, it's gonna be a long one.

So, I'll take that penny, thank you.

Now how 'bout a dime for my dreams...

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