Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I just might jump off a building now...

Soooo.  The weekend has come.  The famous NYU "Don't jump off a building" holiday designed to ease the stress of otherwise happy kids, who due to the extreme pressures of academia at such an established university feel the need to hurl themselves over the edge of the tisch building or the tenth floor railing in the library.  Well you know what?  


Chew on that, Doc.  

"Why?", you wonder?

I'll tell you why.  Because at a time when I should be making the long trek home because I finally have the time, the economy decided to implode and I can't afford the round-trip fare to Georgia (I live in Georgia).  But that isn't what's really got me down. 

What is REALLY bugging me is that my dearest FRIENDS, the people I love and trust more than anyone in the FREE WORLD, decided to skip off to their respective homesteads in blatant DISREGARD for my vulnerability about the matter.  I have heard them gushing for days about the home-cooked meals and the family pets waiting at the front door and free laundry and the opportunity to detox (*cough* katie *cough*) in a familiar bed.  

Well, here's what I have to say to you KATIE HELLER, MIKE STOLTE M.D., AND SARAH PALIN-- 

That's right.  Nothing.  I have nothing to say to you.  Let's hope I am still around when you get back.  They may give me days off school, but they can't give me companionship.  

I will left in the city with Amy (Amy, for the sake of my argument I am painting your company as a negative, though you know I would rather hang out with you forever than see those three bozo's again) and a convicted child molester with only letters for a name. 

I CERTAINLY know how the Kennedy's must feel. 

Sorrow and pain and loneliness, Oh My. 



1 comment:

Doc said...

It may or may not surprise you, patient, that I find your post particularly disturbing.

I do not advise jumping to one's death under any circumstances.

(But 50 pills of valium and one swig of vodka can do that trick and be fun!)

Out 'til Tuesday,
