Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Strange Happenings

I have had some weird shit go down the past couple of days.  I feel this is the safest place to recount it.

It all started on a bright, crisp Sunday Morning.  I was up with the birds (as per uje) sipping on my coffee when I noticed my tennis shows were missing.*  Now, you all know that I am not one to misplace something as important as a pair of tennis shoes.  Granted, they weren't my exercise tennis shoes, just some cute green kicks I wear from time to time with a sporty outfit.  Say to a day in the park, or maybe a hip-hop video.  Simple.  I have gone over it time and time again in my head, and I just know I didn't leave them anywhere.  Strange. 

The second oddity in my otherwise seamless life happened the following Tuesday.  Interesting Monday was just skipped over.  I was walking along on my way to a social engagement, maybe a luncheon, when I noticed I was the only brunette in sight.  

Friday morning, I thought surely there is no more weirdness in the universe that could possibly ensue.  I thunk it too soon.  I picked up my phone to make a call, and all of a sudden...BLANK SCREEN.  Nothing.  I couldn't get picture for six minutes.  And this was RIGHT when I was getting ready to call Amy and tell her that we could order in dinner if she wanted.  

And last, but perhaps the most terrifying experience to date, I was greatly disturbed by what I witnessed last night around 11pm in the very entryway we all walk through every day to get to PHD.  I was coming home from rehearsal.  I was still in my actor frame of mind (an actor must always be in this state of mind, but we can also morph into "pedestrian" mode if need be for social appearance and blending purposes) which left me blind to nearly everyone I passed.  But even the blind can sometimes see.  As I approached our newly green awning, I noticed two outstandingly large people leaning against the first set of doors from the inside.  At first, I tried to make eye contact from beyond the glass so they would move aside and let me pass, but it became clear eye contact wasn't an option for these people (this is the point I concluded they could never be good actors--an actor who can't make eye contact is like a steaming pile of pancakes sans condiment).  So, I did what I had to do.  I pushed up against the door they were BLOCKING and thus expected them to move aside.  If you can believe it, they didn't budge.  So, taking the path of least resistance, I pushed as hard as I could, and by default they kind of shifted from in front of the door (yes, the rumors are true, I am very strong).  I was appalled, as you can understand, and what was even more disturbing was they still refused to acknowledge my presence.  Then I discovered why. They were, at this point, facing the corner they were pushed up against slightly hunched over, like somebody with a hunch in their back.  And by peeking with great care over the shoulder of the man person directly to my left, I saw what held his attention so raptly.  They were eating giant hamburgers.  They were so large, they were really quite repulsive.  But they were devouring these former cows like animals, as if I were trying to steal them.  Then they started grunting at the meat.  All the while I was pretending to find my keys that had been in my hand for two blocks so I could keep watching. Then I came home.  

I still wonder about my two proletariat friends from the entrance foyer. Why were they eating so hungrily?  And why did they hate me?  

Make of these encounters what you will.  Personally, I think they are all interconnected in a sort of grand web.  It's as if someone is trying to open my eyes to something, but I cant quite grasp what.  Please let me know your thoughts. 

Sincerely, Yeldah 

*Amy, please do not equate this experience with your missing bathrobe.  I didn't throw it away. 

1 comment:

A said...

had you totes left off a biggie: