Monday, October 6, 2008

Cravings and withdraw....for PHD

To all of you who are blessed to breathe PHD air, smell PHD smells, and walk on PHD ground...I'm jealous of you bitches. I currently live in hotels. Now granted, we're talking Hyatt's and shit, BUT i'd prefer the penthouse. What i would DO to hear a " know what time it is," and to close my eyes knowing that a bare-ass amy is running through the room because of a supposed "forgotten" towel. To have a roommate order some AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS CHEESE FRIES FROM GRAMERCY....the list could go on and on.

Doc, I need some drugs...maybe anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or maybe something to just knock me out til i return on Dec 1. I dont know, you're the professional here. My trust is in you. Do me good.

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