Thursday, October 9, 2008

PhD-liteful literature.

an acrostic poem about (actually it's not really ABOUT, but inspired by) home.

Why did my alarm clock go off at 7:15 a.m. this morning when all I wanted                         was to sleep-in?
Y'all should probably hop on the bieber bus and come here quick, cause I be                     missin' ya.
Oh my god it is freaking beautiful outside today (and yet I am INSIDE                                  writing on the blog)
My dog is probably the sweetest little angel ever to grace the earth
I think i might be allergic to white bread...
Sarah palin is ridiculous, and john mccain looks like a turtle-troll
Seriously, my dog is so cute.
I'm really worried our coffee machine is broken and that you will all have to                       endure my withdrawal (FIX IT HADLEY!!)
Now that we are close to halloween, we can buy candy corn, and while I                                hate candy corn, i LOVE candy corn and peanuts (for real, try it. it                              will change your life)
Gotta go! 

well that was fun. until next time...


Yeldah Knorc said...

That is....beautiful.

Doc said...

That is....gross.

Candy corn?