Tuesday, September 30, 2008

She can see Russia from her back yard. No, really.

So. Since I have some extra time sitting in Super 8 rooms at night, I decided it was time to actually educate myself on what is going on in the world. And the election. And I spent lots of time on youtube, and came across Sara Palin interviews with both Katie Couric and Charles Gibson. And I was horrified at the way she was treated in both interviews! I made my roommates (who are both voting Obama) watch them and they were pretty appalled as well. I'm not really a Palin fan, but I don't think she's necessarily less qualified than a lot of other VPs have been...and when was the last time a VP candidate was being drilled on EVERY issue like this poor woman is? I haven't even seen the presidential candidates have interviews as in-depth as this! Isn't it like...bad journalism to be so obviously biased? Anyway, I'm sure she is going to be very painful to watch in the debate Thursday, but I still think it's very upsetting that this woman is being treated so disrespectfully.


Katie, I will be email buddies with your aunt.

1 comment:

A said...

really???? really??? you watch those youtubes and the first thing that strikes you is the interviewers' tough style?!! I watched those and the first thing I noticed (other than the fact that I was TREMBLING I was so terrified of a palin-as-vp) was her inability to form complete/cogent/traceable trains of thought. THANK GOD they're being hard on her (which is, in my opinion, NOT being biased). If they weren't asking her tough, real, pressing questions, then god forbid, maybe she'd get away with (even more than she already has) being terrifyingly underqualified and underinformed.

I'm curious which other vp candidates you have in mind who were less qualified than she.

mych, if palin is elected as vp, I'm leaving ph D and moving to canada. Or maybe france.

can you tell I feel strongly about this?

Your thoughts (though startling) mostly make me miss you. What I really wish (other than for palin to lose lose lose) is that you and I could have a fervent debate (as we do best) in person. LOVE LOVE LOVE!