Sunday, September 28, 2008

tina fey, do me.

I love Tina Fey. Hell, I'm IN love with Tina Fey. I want to have Tina Fey's baby. 

Is that so much to ask?

...and while we're on the topic of Tina Fey, I'd like to bring up Sarah Palin--and share with you something I received today.

a little background: I sent my aunt an email and I thought I'd close with some light-hearted questions, so I asked "what do you think about Sarah Palin?"(politics, I realize now--NEVER lighthearted) and this was the response I got (mind you, the email was longer. this is a mere tidbit):

Regardless of where anyone falls on the argument of whether Sara Palin is qualified for high a woman whose generation of fellow females burned their bras and fought for equal rights and pay in the workplace for women back in the sixties ,I am appalled at the nasty and unfair mean spirited way this woman is being treated by the media and politicos in this country...they should be ashamed and every woman should be angry. 

INTENSE! wasn't expecting THAT one. I don't really know how to respond--I think I just won't respond to that part at all.

well anyway, you live, you learn. 

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