Monday, January 25, 2010

I Saw the Sign

Hello friends.

Last night, Hadley informed me that she and Doc had agreed that it was time to bring the blog back. (Thanks for checking with me and the other phdlitefuls). Lucky for them, I'm in full agreement with this re-re-resurrection (that sound like it could be the hook to my first rap single. BiA+ch, in case you forgot, is the name I will go by.).

Just like last night's episode of Big Love, where Bill waits for a sign from God on how to win Senate (If I were God, by the way, I would strongly urge Bill to reconsider. What a stupid idea. Good idea? No. Good tv? YES. Not as good, though, as Alby shackin' up with some lawyer dude he met in a park.) anyway, just like Bill (I'm SO similar to Bill), I was waiting for a sign from the blogging gods of what to share with you people. Because let's be honest, I didn't feel like recapping the last 4 months and you didn't feel like reading it (by the way, this might be the right time to out hadley (she's just like Alby). Here's a recent exchange. You draw your own conclusions:

Had: omg i BET
have you been to yet?
me: I went once and then forgot about it
Had: ok good
9:52 AM me: but I just can't remember all these blogs
Had: it's not really a blog
that's why i love it
i dont have to read stupid shit to enjoy it

I lied about drawing your own conclusions. I will draw them for you. Hadley doesn't like blogs. Especially ones that "require reading." In fact, she's probably not even reading this post right now. Some friend.

Anyway, this is to say, I didn't know what to write but still wanted to post something. I know, what else is new?)

[an aside: I just got locked in the bathroom of Jittery Joe's coffee shop. Deep breath. That was intense. But not the subject of this blog post.]

Onward: I awoke this morning to the following email from my boss:

"Hi Amy
Do you think you might have time to learn the sign language for Imagine and teach that tomorrow?"

Yep. The last 2 hours I've been watching "Imagine" from Glee. For those of you who, oh, I don't know, DESPISE that show, let me give you some context. Matthew Morrison's glee club invites this other glee club to come to their school and perform a song at their practice. The glee club shows up and the opening chords to Imagine start playing. We then discover (gasp!) that the members of this glee club are deaf! And yet, they still perform! And with gusto! And then, if you're me, you get all goose-bumpy and tear up but try really hard not to cry because you're not that lame. Oh, but you are. The tears come. You are Putty in Fox's hand. Anyway, then you get an email from your boss asking you to LEARN all the signs to the song and teach them to a group of 14 year olds tomorrow night. So you find the clip on youtube and watch it for two hours. Well, actually that's where I'm lying (the part about crying: sadly, TRUE.). I've watched it once, thought to myself "Oh wow. This is hard. I'm, like, really not qualified to teach this. I'll blog about it instead." And let me tell you, this stuff IS really hard. There are fingers wiggling and hands circling around heads and it all happens so fast AND I have to reverse everything I'm seeing. For one who never was the quickest ant in the hill when it came to picking up dance moves, this task is nothing short of Herculean. But what can I do? Ask an old high school friend's husband, who I have spoken to once about 18 months ago (and what did we speak about you ask? Oh, SIGN LANGUAGE. Which he STUDIED as his FOREIGN LANGUAGE at uga), to come teach it in my place? Maybe. Nevermind that I know not another thing about him. He could be a serial killer for all I know. What I do know: The guy can sign.

Yes, These are the things I do these days. I learn sign language to songs (or stress about learning sign language to songs and blog about it instead), fail, and debate whether it would be too weird to fb message this dude saying "hi! Want to teach a handful of teen agers sign language from the hit show Glee tomorrow night? By the way, we HAVE met before. And I'm not crazy, yet. But if I have to do this on my own, there is no doubt that I will be."

This is NOT something I would be doing at the American Symphony Orchestra. And yet, I'm happy.


E L said...

I loved every sentence. Amy, how I wish we could do our jobs together. It would be so much more fun.

Yeldah Knorc said...

Yeah it sounds like the two of you would make an incomparable team. You could teach ANYTHING!