Thursday, August 13, 2009


Friends, Romans,  ....well mainly just friends. 

I was about to remove this blog from my bookmarks, as it seems that the blog has truly ceased to exist in the past few months.  But THEN, I took a trip down memory lane and read some of our posts.  And I believe this blog is GOOD.  I also am surprised that we managed to blog so much to each other even though we saw each other numerous times a week.  

But now?  I see Katie for an hour after work like twice a week because she has sold her self (read: body) to the UP Open (read: US brothel), Mike is holed up in some factory in Jersey sewing until his fingers bleed all over the muslin dresses he fashions, Amy is around 11-yea-olds all day in the deep south and has replaced all other human contact with cooking, Mychal has been taken hostage by a clan of mountain people in the backwoods of Minnesota, Caroline has decided that she needs to be a clown and a nanny, the two of which only go hand-in-hand in the brassieres of Paris, I (Yeldah, folks) spend the majority of my time watching entire seasons of tv shows alone in my bed, and Ellen moved to Queens. 


I think that as a last effort to save the friendships we forged four score and seven years ago, we should resurrect this blog, and GIVE THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE. 

The above task is easier said than done.  I have decided to establish a RULE.  You may not like that, but since I am the only one who cares enough about all of you to make this shit happen, you WILL comply.  

I want EVERY PERSON to post something on this blog ONCE A WEEK.  I know.  I know this seems a lot.  But you can post one sentence, one word!  One feeling!!  THIS IS WHAT IT TAKES. 

This is what it takes to maintain our friendships.  And to get a book deal (did you see Julie and Julia yet??  This is basically my new scheme to get famous).  But mainly the friendships. 


xoxo, Y